60 Фт Дрвени Аутентични Турски Гулет - Boner Чартери чамаца

О овој јахти

60 Ft Wooden Authentic Turkish Gulet, an authentic sailboat has two wooden masts and is one of the largest and most beautiful sailing vessels on Bonaire.

The sailboat has spacious lounge decks with comfortable cushions and beautiful carpets that give you a really homey feeling to relax to the fullest to sail the beautiful waters of Bonaire.

Features: The teak decks, which are decorated with Persian tapestries and comfortable cushions, create a unique and warm home feeling that will be added to your best memories, ensuring that you will never forget those incredible magical moments spent sailing the Caribbean Sea with friends and loved ones under the guidance of the moon and stars.

Our chefs cook everything fresh onboard and try to use the most organic ingredients from the Island. All the fish we use for your diner are caught by handlines from local fishermen, as we support sustainable fishing.

The captain and his crew would like to invite you to come aboard and explore the island as well as the calm and relaxing ocean. We updated some of her characteristics for our Supper at Water idea, allowing us to serve you like a restaurant on the sea while cruising the bay of Bonaire.

Her luxurious lounge and private lounging spaces provide plenty of relaxation. She is the most gorgeous and exclusive sailing yacht in Bonaire.

Trip Details

Join us for a Snorkel tour around the Bonaire coast, or to watch the sunset from the sea with a wonderful open bar and a freshly prepared delicious meal with bubbles :)

Our cheerful crew will accompany you through a unique sailing experience and guided snorkeling.

Simply relax on our lounge cushions with your friends or family and enjoy the beautiful surroundings while listening to the relaxing background music.

Types of Trips: We also provide private, birthday, or other parties you wish to enjoy with your family, friends, or colleagues, in addition to our regular trips.

If you have any questions, please contact us for the conditions, rates, and availability.

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  • thumb Уплатите депозит и стање у тренутку чартера

Нудимо следећа путовања

  • Brunch and Snorkel Cruise (per person rate)
    $85 USD

    Departure: Harbour Village Marina, Kralendijk Bonaire

    Sailing the waters of Bonaire, you always have the fantastic trade winds that offer a cool and refreshing feeling on the water. 
    We will go for the anchor on the most beautiful spots on the Island for you to dive in the crystal-clear waters of Bonaire and to enjoy the snorkeling with its fantastic underwater world.
    After your swim enjoy your brunch on deck from our great chef who cooks everything fresh onboard, we try to use all organic ingredients from the Island.

    Our boat is known for its large sunshades where you can enjoy the Caribbean feeling to the fullest.

    Rate: $85 pp

    Additional Passenger rate: 85 USD
  • Exclusive 6-Course Tasting Dinner at sea
    $100 USD

    Departure: Harbour Village Marina, Kralendijk Bonaire

    Our fantastic chef Rick (known from the Bonaire Culinary team) cooks everything fresh onboard, we try to use all organic ingredients from the Island.

    Rick has put together a special 6-course menu with a welcome bubble + Amuse before we leave.

    The menu has high-level Caribbean and Asian influences!

    Our sommelier has matched the luxury wines to the menu.

    Rate: $95 pp

    Additional Passenger rate: 100 USD


Да ли је потребно да се бринем да ћу добити морску болест?
Која је разлика између приватне повеље и редовне/ заједничке/ јавне повеље?
Да ли нудите чартере без чамца?
Које информације су вам потребне од мене да ми пошаљете понуду за најам брода?
Који су ваши услови плаћања?
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Одаберите време и датум закупа брода


Questions or Requests

Your Contact Details

Калкулација цене

Подразумевана стопа: 800 USD

Пак Укључено у подразумевану стопу: 4

Додатна стопа путника: 80 USD

Основна цена: 550 USD

Укупна цена: 550 USD

Депозит 0 USD

Стање: 550 USD

Још увек није потребно плаћање!
1/ Прво ћемо вам послати потврду о доступности чамца.
2/ Ако одлучите да кренете даље и резервишете чартер, можете само да кликнете на линк за плаћање, да уплатите мали депозит (макс. 15%). Веза за плаћање ће бити послата са потврдом доступности.
3/ Када се депозит уплати, добићете веома детаљну потврду путовања.

Шта клијенти кажу о нашој услузи

  • Sep, 2022

    Леп дан за роњење са мојом шесточланом породицом. Воде су биле мирне и дубоке само 6 стопа, али морски живот је био невероватан. Чак и јастога.

  • Oct, 2022

    Одличан дан за пецање у становима. Ухваћена дозвола, Баракуда и огроман Тарпон. Капетан и чамац су били сјајни и створени за одличан дан!

  • Nov, 2022

    Невероватно путовање у дубоком мору. Отишли смо око 20 миља од обале и пронашли коров где смо ухватили тоне Махија! Урадићу то поново ускоро.